Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Friends

One of my better habits would be always having my camera with me in case of important events. Today was a good example of just how good that habit can be. After dropping my boyfriend off at school, I drove with my friend Tori to visit her horse Sophie. Initially we were going to feed Sophie mints, but I forgot to pack them..(oops). When we got there, Sophie was walking around with two other horses. The first horse, Evony, was Tori's mother's horse. She is very beautiful! Here's a photo:

Now, horses don't usually care for me, mainly because they know that I don't really know what I'm doing when I'm around them. They usually just turn their heads away from me. But today, something nice happened: I finally befriended a horse. I forget what the actual name of the horse was, but I called her BFF. BFF followed me all around the barn, and snuggled right up to me. Here's some photos from this epic moment (Photo credit goes to Tori):

Best friends.

Also, if you're into horses, Tori's mother publishes a great magazine that you should all check out: Rein Magazine. :)

PS. Forgot to include a picture of Sophie; the whole reason this day existed.

It's not the best, but she was too concentrated on eating for me to snap a nicer picture :)

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